Performance Level E (PLE) certified safety modules for fiber lasers


Machines that work with a fiber laser can be operated safely and reliably with our safety modules. In the event of a fault or the opening of a safety-relevant machine door, the laser is de-energized within a few milliseconds, which is why even very powerful fiber lasers can be operated safely with the module.

LEDs on the front panel indicate the current status of the module at all times. Of course, the status of the module can be transmitted to a PLC.

Your Advantage

Highest safety for your laser system is an absolute must in today’s world. With our safety modules, explicitly for machines with fiber lasers, this requirement is easy to implement. A very small standardized design with an excellent price/performance ratio characterizes these high quality safety modules.



Performance Level e (PLe) certified shutters for all kind of laser sources


With our external shutter modules, laser radiation can be reliably and safely shielded by installing the shutter directly after the laser head in the beam. All our shutter modules are controlled by a control unit type SLCU16.

Your Advantage

Our shutter modules are available with different apertures from 10 – 25 millimeters and are thus suitable for almost all laser applications from 0.1 Watt to 10 kW. Together with the shutter control unit SLCU16 our laser shutter modules also convince with the CERTIFICATION OF DEKRA with the best possible Performance Level PLe.

Shutter HQ-LSA10

Shutter HQ-LSA18

Shutter HQ-LSA25

Shutter Controller HQ-SCU16